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Back in Business!


If you've been here before, you’ll already know a little about me. I like to write and sing songs. I'm a busy mom of two. You’ll also know I’ve dabbled in this blog writing thing before sharing everything from recipes to fitness tips even showcasing other local #yeg artists I admire, not knowing if I was doing anything right.

But that didn’t stop me. And I'm here still learning!

I kept at it, trying to come up with my next personal challenge, because that's me. I've always been this way. The glass half full, open minded, overly positive dreamer, thinking I can do anything I wanted if I had a goal and I worked hard. And to this day, that hasn't changed.

Then, life happened, as it does. Marriage, two babies that are now growing little athletes!

I'm still the positive one but I'll be the first one to admit that marriage is hard; balancing work life, the loss of loved ones, all of it. Its hard! It takes effort and so much nurturing. Just like its a third child, wow did I just say that? Life is what we make it. It's an overload of heart bursting happiness one day and then the world crashing in all at once the next. It's an exhilarating yet exhausting ride, isn't it? We get through it the best we can. I try and enjoy every day. Time is a healer. We grow and we learn to move forward, after moving backwards. It's all we can do! I just remind myself daily of what I am grateful for, for being here, waking up to enjoy another day.

Self development has been a huge help for me the past couple of years. I am also big into herbal teas, essential oils and self care, especially if you're a MOM. My baby and toddler are now so much into hockey that health and wellness is something that is becoming a huge topic for our family.

So here I am diving into the blogging world again. For me, writing is therapeutic. So that is what this is. A creative space to share whats on my mind, my tips for staying healthy with my two growing sport fanatics, and to be honest, it really helps with my mental health! I mean everyone living in Alberta knows the long winters can be hard right?!

I am also embarking on an entrepreneurial journey this year. I love inspiring and motivating others and hearing about the success of others too, its so motivating for me! Women empowering women, that's what I am all about, lets conquer the world together! Lets crush those daily goals, regain maintain that confidence and have a mindset that steers away from impostor syndrome!

Here you'll find my tips on getting back to healthy as a busy hockey mom, my affordable beauty, self care tips and regimes. I love trying new fashion and with everything coming back I may share my two cents on an easy to throw together outfit , simple meal recipes my entrepreneur journey and maybe a little song now and then!

Thanks for reading and hope to see you back here soon!

Love & hugs,


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