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Five Minutes of Fitness!

I've been hiding my favorite chocolate bars and thanking my plentiful pile of colorful leggings. It's been a tough month. I twisted my ankle badly, ended up on crutches with new name "hop along mom." I did, however, really enjoy indulging in the overloaded burgers that extra yummy corona and thought "whats the point, there goes my fitness goals for the summer so screw it!"

It was a tough shift to get used to not being as active as I'm used to plus the overindulging sure didn't help with me still trying to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. With summer beginning and the constant battle getting into any kind of routine AND not being as mobile, well left me more than miserable. That affected my mood. Then my motivation. Then my energy levels. Hence the no blog post in a while, sorry. Thank you to those who are sticking with me and reading - I appreciate your support - love yas!

I've come to know I need fitness in my life even if its in small doses. I've been pushing myself to keep consistent with the small increments of fitness now that I'm healing. It's self care, even if it is only 5 minutes, for me, it makes a difference to my mood which then makes a difference to everything else! The past week I've been trying to fit in 5-10 minutes of the little things that keep me on the right road. Here are just a few of my mini go to's -

A 10-15-20 minute power walk, it relaxes me and gets me out doors; I also chase my son around with a soccer ball - that's an added bonus!

3 sets of crunches or squats where I can fit them in only takes me 10 minutes; while the kids watch a movie, have a bath, while doing laundry. I do 3 sets of 12 where I can and I feel it the next day!

A seven minute stretch before the kids wake up or before bedtime makes me feel so much stronger, gives me clarity and really helps me relax - really!

Walking the stairs - I live in a two story house so one day I did 3 sets while my son laughed his head off - it was hard! Also if you live by the river trails just one set up and down gets my heart going and my butt hurting the next day, I need to do this more often *work in progress*

LEG LIFTS - I find myself doing these in the kitchen while I'm meal prepping or washing dishes! Put on the radio on in the background, you won't even notice!

Sure getting to a drop in class would be nice sometimes - check out Hot Mama Fitness Boot Camps where you can take the kids - Randi on the west end of Edmonton is fabulous!

I feel my motivation decreasing if I don't fit in the small things and just doing a few of these in between all the craziness WILL HELP. The results will become addictive - you feel stronger, leaner, happier - which will make you feel trying to fit in even more!

I have kept consistent fitting in most of these for just over a week and I already feel my muscles toning in my legs and my jeans are beginning to fit way more comfortably so I can enjoy the BBQ feasts and that extra corona and not feel bad about it!

Just remember its never too late to start, one of the above I can't do without daily is the stretching, try it! DO IT! I'm slowly trying to get into doing more yoga, another work in progress, but hey its something just a little self care, that's whats most important. Love yourself and the bidy you are in.

Have a great week! I promise I won't leave it as long for my next post! :)


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