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New Beginnings!

After a little time to find my feet in the world of being a full time working mom, I’m taking this blog in a new direction! Thank you for sticking with me through this new chapter - every mom goes through it and it's a definite test on the emotional side of things. I am getting my groove back!

SO....going forward I am going to use this platform to feature some of my local superheroes. The past few years in the local community I have met some wonderful human beings, a few becoming such great friends and mentors, people I truly respect and look up to in so many ways. As I find myself in this new chapter I feel like its fitting for me to share these incredible souls with you, letting you in on how they've affected me and what they do out there in the community for everyone else. I'll also be sharing my new music release coming up in the new year - so stay tuned for that!

If you haven't already connected with me on Facebook please do at this link HERE

I like to share other pages that I like to follow, people who I admire and all things me that are not necessarily on the blog AND you can connect with me there too!

So - here's to NEW BEGINNINGS. I was a little unsure if I should continue with any of it. My music, my writing. I admit I don't have as much time now, but I'm making time for a little piece of me and I've never known just how precious that is, until now. Every mom needs that. What ever it is YOU love or what ever is YOUR thing, keep doing it!

It's true what they say - that you should surround yourself with like minded people, people who are optimists, who motivate you on a daily basis and really make you see the good in everything this life has to offer. I have no room or time for people who continuously see the negative. I've always gravitated towards people who are successful, even in my college days. To be around people who reach for their goals and work hard at their passion and in their professional life is truly fascinating to me! I've seen friends fail, we all do. But, we try, try everything, keep going. We don't give up easily, we are resilient. We are warriors. And there's beauty in it all, or I think there is anyway!

You'll see a new post here by the end of the week and it'll have the hash tag #MomWhoMotivates

Bye for now.

Photo Credit by Ron Palmer Photography

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