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Blazer Addiction & Wishful Thinking

Who is tired of layering clothes? Me! Finally spring is here! Back to work full time is a challenge in itself - yes its been a while since my last blog post - but life has been busy! I decided to keep it going, little by little so here we are! My latest challenge...trying to look like I know what I’m doing for a chic modern corporate wardrobe! Yes I use Pinterest sometimes when I’m stuck to match an outfit but that usually gets me wanting to go shopping so I tend to stay away most of the time and go with what I feel is me. I’ve brought back a few pre-pregnancy pieces that fit me again and try to indulge once in a while with a new item to enhance my collection. Being a mom with two babes I preplan my outfits the night before as mornings are chaotic, the new normal right moms?! I’ve yet to actually finish a coffee before I leave the house.

So, it turns out I like blazers. A lot. My inner #bossbabe wardrobe is getting rather colorful and I’m always on the hunt for a good bargain. Lately my mission is to piece what I have in my existing wardrobe with adding in a few new items here and there to make it look fresh and new and most importantly an outfit that can be good for after work drinks on a Friday too! Change of shoes and accessories, a little lipstick and good to go!

Some of my faves right now:

Pink - as spring is just about here I think it’s definitely a colour that can pull of so many different moods.

Red - have a couple different reds. Blaze red and a deep red, both adding a completely opposite look for the day.

Brown beige Plaid - a must for a casual Friday with skinny dark jeans.

Beige - my most recent purchase and in love with this colour, pairing with either navy & white stripes or a pale pink to complement this piece!

I do what I want but lately, not a trend follower at all. Never have been. Even for on stage. Usually my go to is leather and black. With my day job I’m trying to amuse myself with the idea of perhaps I look like I know how to put an outfit together! Some days I wish I could wear sweat pants and a hoodie! Good news for us moms everything is back in, cigarette pant, skinny, short leg, wide leg, culottes...right now you can get away with almost any style of pant leg and most blazers fit any style of pant so it’s an easy go to gals!! Moms out there back to work, we can make this work!! Stick with me!

Don't feel you have to stick with the trends either, do what you feel is you and enjoy it! Happy spring shopping!


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